Mapping out my strategy of a spell

 When exploring the various elements to incorporate into your spell, like tools, symbols, and components commonly associated with money magick, it's crucial to ensure that they perfectly align with your intentions and desired outcomes. One exciting idea is to include green candles, often seen as a symbol of prosperity. Another option is to incorporate herbs like basil and cinnamon, which have long been associated with wealth and success. These creative choices can have a powerful impact.


Now, let's embark on the enchanting process, crafting each step with a keen eye for the perfect timing. We'll explore the mystical dance between the moon phases and the days of the week, ensuring that every element aligns harmoniously. Feel the anticipation and excitement as you take your spell to the next level, performing it during a waxing moon. This celestial phase symbolizes growth and attraction, creating a powerful energy that can amplify the effectiveness of your spell.


Lastly, it's crucial to carefully document your entire strategy. This isn't just a task but a way to capture the essence of your spellcasting journey. Imagine the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction you'll feel as you fill your journal with vivid descriptions of the process, the intriguing signs and synchronicities you encounter, and the profound outcomes you experience. This documentation will track your progress and testify to your commitment and growth in your money magick practice.


With these steps tailored to your unique financial aspirations, you can develop a strategic plan to achieve your financial goals successfully.  

Before performing the prosperity spell, consider adding a healing candle spell ritual to create a balanced and harmonious foundation for your magickal practice. Healing spells can clear any blockages or negative energies that might hinder the effectiveness of your prosperity spell.

For the healing candle ritual, you can start by selecting a blue or white candle, both commonly associated with healing and purification. Set the intention for this ritual to release any emotional, physical, or spiritual burdens holding you back.

As you light the candle, visualize healing energy surrounding you, filling you with light and warmth. To enhance the ritual, you can also incorporate essential oils, such as lavender or eucalyptus, known for their healing properties.

Take a few moments to meditate, focusing on any areas that need healing. Allow the candle to burn for as long as necessary, and when you're ready, extinguish it to seal the healing energy within you.

By incorporating this healing candle ritual before your prosperity spell, you can create a balanced and nurturing environment for your magickal work, ensuring that you approach your financial goals from a place of wholeness and well-being.

It's crucial to carefully consider the elements to be incorporated into the spell, ensuring that they align perfectly with my intentions and desired outcomes. I plan to include green candles and herbs like basil and cinnamon, both associated with prosperity and success. I'll craft each step with attention to timing, aligning the elements with moon phases and days of the week to create a harmonious effect. The enchanting process will culminate during a waxing moon, symbolizing growth and attraction, amplifying the spell's effectiveness. I also document the entire strategy to track my progress and capture the essence of my spellcasting journey.

In addition, I'm thinking of incorporating a healing candle spell ritual before the prosperity spell to create a balanced foundation for my magical practice. The healing ritual will involve a blue or white candle and essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus, known for their healing properties. This ritual will release any emotional, physical, or spiritual burdens and create a nurturing environment for my magical work. Approaching my financial goals from a place of wholeness and well-being will lead to a successful outcome.
