How To Make Men Chase You Without Playing Games (and Why It’s So Important))

These days I never, ever prioritize a new guy over my life. I won’t even prioritize a new guy over a new episode of Charmed.

If a guy can’t see me when I’m available, he doesn’t get to see me. If he’s worth his rocks, he’ll rearrange his schedule and will find a way to see me. In the past guys would go from being super into me to nowhere to be found. These days, their interest only increases with time. That’s how it should be!

Again, I’m not talking about game-playing or manipulation- that will only backfire because no guy wants to feel like he’s being yanked along on a destination-less journey. He wants to feel like he’s working to achieve a prize. Once he gets that prize, he feels like the happiest son-of-a-gun in the universe. He will put you on a pedestal, he will let you know he cares, he will happily show you off to anyone and everyone, and he will wear you even when you’re tattered and falling to shreds. He will do whatever it takes to keep you because he knows how valuable you are.


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