Princess WendyBella tips on Eating for Beauty

It’s not just about the clothes you wear or the beauty products you use, true beauty truly comes from within and it’s what you put into, not onto, your body that can have the greatest impact on how you look and feel.

Bonus Tip: If you have dark under-eye circles, often caused by having too much potassium-based food in your diet, load up on celery which can correct this imbalance.

1. Max out on Raw Greens Uncooked raw greens are a powerful beauty secret and assist body processes like digestion, detoxification, and rebuilding.

2. Add Acai to your Diet Acai is loaded with beneficial nutrients and antioxidents. The Omega 3 fatty acids found in Acai facilitate the inflow of nutrients and the outflow of waste products promoting youthful, smooth, radiant skin by restoring skin cells and keeping them hydrated.

3. Drink Detox Tea

4. Switch to Celtic Sea Salt

5. Eat more Onions
protects and regenerates crucial Vitamin E

6. Add Sea Vegetables to your Diet

7. Snack on Figs
Figs are excellent blood-purifiers.

8. Eat Olives and Olive Oil

9. Munch on Raw Pumpkin Seeds

10. Rev up your Metabolism with Cayenne Pepper Cayenne pepper is high in Vitamins A, C, B complex, calcium and potassium, is beneficial for digestion and boosts metabolism.
