Princess WendyBella Jezabel's tips to find true happiness

1. Don’t Rely On Other People to Make You Happy.
2. Conquer the Green Monster. Jealousy is one of the most destructive qualities a person can possess. In life you will inevitably come across people who are better looking, more successful, funnier, richer, etc., but who cares? I’m sure you have qualities that they’re lacking. No good can ever come from envying what someone else has, it will just make you bitter and jaded.
3. Be Genuinely Happy for Other People.
4. Be Nice to People.
5. Be Grateful.
6. Accept That Which You Cannot Change.
7. Do something About That Which You Can Change
8. Let Go of Grudges.
9. Let the Chips Fall Where They May.Take a breath, loosen up your grip on life, and try to adopt a bit of a laissez-faire attitude.
10. Take Care Of Yourself.
11. Watch the Company You Keep.Surround yourself only with people who will lift you higher” and this is a mantra I hold by.

You have value, he sees that and he knows that if he wants to keep you around, he needs to show up in the relationship and keep you happy.


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